4 main ways to get ACT

We designed  this awesome speculative tool/product/token to close the gaps between communities building on the stellar blockchain where everyone is free to join, add their own value, grow their network with likeminded people and the Hub as a place to connect it all.

20k ACT are distributed to the main pools (XLM USDc APAY EURC AXLM) and another 20k devided between our partners. 

on top of that theres also an option to earn or buy yourself into Tiers ( starting at 1250 ACT) and receive a monthly Airdrop.

so there are basically 4 options to earn ACT,

1 participate in the ACT-Hub

2 provide liquidity to ACTs main pools

3 provide liquidity between ACT and partnered token

4 hold a certain amount (pools not included)

more ways could be added and some groups like project SAVE (savetoken.net) for example also hands out ACT, it’s desingned for interaction on multiple levels.