$ACT Pools

All liquidity pools live stats and daily allocated rewards in $ACT.

Always check if you have the right issuer address,
that the values are set correctly and be aware of the fluctuations.
not knowing what you’re doing can lead to impermanent losses.

pools get rebalanced every first week of the month.

Main Pools
+daily allocated $ACT

$ACT / $USDC & $ACT / $XLM
100 & 100 +$XLM fee coverage

100 & 100


50+$AQUA & 25

$ACT Partners

The Mystery School

LiquidPoetry & FunnyMummy
75 & 50 + 15 $LiquidPoetry

Liberty Crypto Syndicate
75 % 75

50 & 50

$DicInu & $SAVE
75 & 25 + 65,75 $SAVE

25 & 25

25 & 25



50 +$LSP & 10

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